~ WeLcOmE To SyAiZa-ChAn FaIrY TalE StOrY...~

~ WeLcOmE To SyAiZa-ChAn FaIrY TalE StOrY...~
Someone said that "It's such a waste,writing things in the past" .....But to me...It's not awaste writing things in the past because "sometimes u will wonder what you've done in the past, so you will go back to your diary and recall what it is"................................ ~"YOU NEVER KNOW THE FUTURE, BUT THE PAST NEVER CHANGE..." ~

spe yg dah follow tuh please tngglkn link n cmmnt kat shoutbox k.nnty ceja bole follow back.TQ :D,

luv my blog...?? "like" this k..kamsahamnida. hehe..

Jumaat, 20 Ogos 2010

hahaha....jmpe cinta monyet mse kcik2 dlu kat fb...

ermmm..pejam celik pejam celik...x sdar lngsng yg arinie dah  hari jumaat....hohoho...leganyew bile dah past 4 paper utk trial spm mnggu nie..tp..tuh baru paper yg thap sederhana ssh pny..blom lg thap yg glerr ssh...huhu..paper yg glerr ssh tuh pny mnggu dpn dah stat...cuaknyew...but now...time utk rehatt jap...mlz nk pkir psl exam wat beberapa jam..hohoho...so...kite enjoy...!!! hahaha...

ermmmm...arinie jumaat..?? slalu nmpk nmpk meka..tp harinie x nmpk mereka pulakk...btng idung mereka pown x nmpk..huhuhu...miss my lovely frendz tuh...hohoho...

then....skunk nie..tgh syok brblogging smbil on9 fb...tba2..dpt stu frendz request lg...huhu..mlz nye nk approve lau org x knl...uper2nye explore pny explore spe org tuh...larrr....!!! DIA..!! hahahaha....cinta monyet ceja, mse kcik2 tuh...haha..but now dah x eh..no more love in my life now until i'm finished my spm..cewahhh....hahaha....dlu kcik2 mmg x matang kn..klkr plakk ble dok pkir2 psl kngn mse kcik2 dlu..hahaha....tp sume dah berubah..kwn2 bek ceja dlu pown ceja dah x contact...diorg pown bkn nk cntct ceja...bile tny npe x cntct...nnty alasan nye msty cmni "malu lahh...syaiza dak stk,kteorg dak sek biase je" hahaha...nonsense pny alsn larr kwn...sek tuh sume sma k..x de bezanyew...huhu..kite sume dah bnyk berubah...bile jmpe pown mke dah len...dah x knl dahh...lau dlu mse kcik2 mke cm dak hingusn..skunk dah bsrr..sume dah  cantik..dah lawa...dah kacak..n dah hensem...ermm..manusia mmg semakin matang...nk tau cmne rupa dia skunk???

jeng3..!!!! hahaha...more matured than dlu larrr..hahaha...dah cm stalker larr pulakk amik pic dr fb dia ni n ltakk kat blog..*pic nie bukan ceja yg edit ye* ..haha..for everybody...x de meaning ape pown ceja ltakk pic nie k..just terkenang kn zmn kecik2 dlu je..hik3

p/s: hahaha...lau abg ceja nmpk pic nie...mati ceja....hehehe...to abg shahniz ...adk ltak pic nie sje je k...jgn nk dok cmmnt2 ye *coz dia nie rajin explore blog ceja*...hahaha..(siap promote link blog abg ceja tuh..so,pada spe yg rajin..singgh larr blog dia ye..blog dia mmg menarik..wink3)

hahahaha....antara perbualan ceja..dia n oyon..kamii..kwn2 mse kcik2 dlu...hohoho...tba2 rendu plakk zmn sek2 ren dlu...hahhaa...mmg klkr ble dok ingtkn blik betapa x matang nye kite mse kcik2 dlu...kecik2 dah pndai men cinta2 mnyet eh...men bg2 surat...hahaha...first skli ceja dpt surat dlu dr dia larr..bukan surat ayt2 jiwang ape..tp surat trtliz lgu arwah acik spin tajuknye zarina n dia gntikan dgn nme "syaiza" *msetuh lgu arwah acik spin femes tau* krya bdk gemokk kat sek tuh...hahaha...mmg merepekk glerr..tp best tuh...baru2 msuk kat sek tu n jd pljr baru kat situ dah dpt surat cinta kn..hahhaa....klkrr je...

p/s: urmmm...papew pown..AD still in my mind tau...huhuhu...

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spe yg ada fb tuh..jgn lpe follow mlalui fb skali yeah..tq2

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers



berapa orang sedang skodeng skunk

lalala~ song